Clear Chrome Nail Powder (lös) Clear Chrome Nail Powder (lös)
Sold out

Clear Chrome Nail Powder (lös)

66 kr 79 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT
Holografisk guldkrom Holografisk guldkrom

Holografisk guldkrom

103 kr 124 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT
Holografisk silverkrom Holografisk silverkrom

Holografisk silverkrom

103 kr 124 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT
Silver Mirror Chrome Nail Powder (lös) Silver Mirror Chrome Nail Powder (lös)

Silver Mirror Chrome Nail Powder (lös)

66 kr 79 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT
Star Chrome (lös) Star Chrome (lös)

Star Chrome (lös)

66 kr 79 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT


The HONA mission is to educate, inspire and improve the talents of the modern day nail technician as well as empower the nail community through uncompromising integrity, transparency and service.